Lyric Noel

“I pray one day that my story will reach someone who is suffering from this terrible disease. Recovery is possible and there is life after addiction.”
– Lyric Noel





This Chaos



My whole life I have been plagued by addiction, mental illness and feelings of worthlessness. I grew up feeling like I was never enough because no matter what I did there was always something wrong with the way I did it. I wasn’t getting the love and affection I needed to thrive as a young child. In high school, I so desperately wanted to fit in, I would essentially morph to whatever everyone wanted me to be just to have someone I could call a “friend” even if that meant getting high with said “friends”. I had my first serious brush with the law back in 2007 I was arrested for possession of controlled substance in a drug free zone, I was 17 and not even old enough to speak for myself. I was charged with a 3rd degree felony, you would think after something like that I would have at least consider that it was time to stop using. The very moment I was able to get my hands on dope again I did. I ran from my charges and moved to mesquite where I grew up several months go by and I thought I was home free. One late night I was hanging out with a couple of friends doing what I did best at the time “getting high”. Feeling invincible and on top of the world we look in our rear view mirror only to discover that we where being pulled over i was arrested on a warrant for that same charge I tried to run away from. And from that day forward, my life changed forever as I attended NA meetings and built so many meaningful relationships along the way along with successfully completing two long years of probation. I was on the straight and narrow and I was finally able to focus my energy on my first love, singing and writing music. In 2010 I fronted my first band as well as reconnected with who I thought was my first love from high school. As time went on our relationship became abusive and after a very short I completely lost touch with myself and my music. I had allowed myself to be reduced back down to where I pulled myself away from. Only this time, I wasn’t addicted to just drugs but also being abused emotionally and physically. In 2012 I discovered I was pregnant with my now 8 year old son which was a blessing in disguise. I used this as my motivation to get clean and get my high school diploma and immediately enrolled into cosmetology school. I then went on to perfect my craft at Toni & Guy where I spent 7 years specializing in color. In mid 2018 I finally had the courage to stand and file for long over due divorce from my sons father and it was the best decision I ever made for myself and my little boy. I learned so much through that 10 years of my life my whole 20’s were a blur. One thing for sure is I found for sure is that over time, I became grateful for those experiences because they are what led me to the man I am with now. He is the angel I never knew was there the whole time he loved me just as I am. He is the reason I reconnected with my passion for music the way that I have . I recorded my first music video ever October 2020 which is titled “This Chaos” the lyrics in the song specifically refer to addiction and mental illness and how it feels to be a prisoner to both of them. I pray one day that my story will reach someone who is suffering from this terrible disease. Recovery is possible and there is life after addiction.