Scott Wisenbaker

Killer music about Addiction and Recovery. Fast killer bass and guitar with lyrics about surviving addiction. After 15 years of playing with various rock and metal bands everything fell apart in 1995. Addiction sets in, band member dies from overdose, others including me go to jail. Clean and sober since almost falling off the stage in 1995. I have buried far too many people I care for and eventually opened a treatment center in Denton, TX in 2006. I serve on 3 drug courts and now write and record “Recovery Music.” A percentage of every dollar earned goes to a scholarship fund for treatment. “Razors Edge” is just killer guitar and bass. “Ease” is about being at ease and having a great life in recovery. “Treacherous Moment” is about the anxious moments after a police officers pulls you over and you are waiting to see what happens. “Stole from the Reaper” is about saving lives, for every person we get into recovery it is a life saved and one the Reaper does not get.





Razor’s Edge


Stole from the Reaper


Treacherous Moment

