Catherine Napier

I have written a book on addiction called, Addiction: From Bondage to Freedom. The content covers the opioid epidemic that has plagued our country and cost the lives of our young people. The opening of Addiction: From Bondage to Freedom is an interview by a mother who lost her beautiful, talented, young daughter (Jessica) to a heroin overdose. Debbie Cope Willilams, the mother of Jessica, talks not only about her grief of losing her only daughter, but a protocol she used to get passed her grief that kept her in bed for weeks on end. Debbie became proactive in telling everyone, friend and, stranger alike what had happened to her. She joined a non-profit organization called, Shatterproof to raise awareness in Washington with the lawmakers of our country that heroin is here.

The book, Addiction: From Bondage to Freedom also explains how the problem got so bad in our country. There’s a protocol for intervention and a protocol for aversion therapy for the very young for prevention.

The second part of the book talks about my addiction and how I used treatment, outpatient therapy, and friends who were a strong influence in my life to overcome the years of addiction. I give a protocol that I used daily called negative/positive imaging that I developed to help with the day to day relapse potential. The middle and end of my story, I write about giving back and working the 12th step of alcoholics anonymous that helped me stay on a course of recovery.

